The Melkite Institute Online (MIO)

In Partnership with


In partnership and cooperation with the Logos Institute Online, the MIO established and launched its first course on April 13, 2024.



The Goal

To disseminate Eastern Melkite Byzantine heritage and raise awareness among Melkite youth, youth in general, and families about their authentic Eastern Patristic heritage, social media and the globally recognized Moodle program will be utilized as free audio learning tools.

This approach allows students to choose the time and place that suits them to attend or listen to lessons. Additionally, time will be allocated for reading books online and reviewing texts provided by the teacher.

Eastern Melkite Thought for All

This Moodle application is becoming globally recognized and is used by many international universities as a means of disseminating knowledge and thought in a simple yet profound way.

Those who wish to enroll in this program do not necessarily have to be university graduates or specialists in a particular field, but rather their goal is to become cultured in the path of the Eastern fathers and discover the treasures of Christ in the heritage of their Church and to radiate the risen Christ.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why Enroll in the Program?

The MIO provides its members with the opportunity to learn about the Melkite-Byzantine liturgy, its theology, history, and doctrines, and to gain a comprehensive understanding of the richness and heritage of Eastern theology in the first millennium, which remains the fundamental reference and source of inspiration and faith for the entire Church.

How to Enroll in the Courses?

The MIO issues two educational sessions per year, the first semester will be launched every November and the second one after Easter. Announcements to courses and registrations will be published through its page and different social media and notifications will be send to the numbers of previous course members through various applications such as WhatsApp and Telegram.

How to Accommodate Different Time Zones?

Learners of these courses, in any country, can listen to them and replay them as many times as they wish, at any time they want, without being tied to a specific time or hour. They can also follow the lesson while on their way to work, while having breakfast, or while practicing their favorite sport... etc.

What is the Process for Obtaining the Certificate?

After each lesson, the learner is subjected to multiple-choice questions that he must pass to move on to the next lesson and so on. At the end of each subject, the student is subjected to a general exam to test his understanding of the subject as a whole and his familiarity with it.

What about the Certificate?

Institute Certificate: The institute issues two types of certificates:

1- A certificate of attendance for some of the materials attended by the member if he does not wish to attend all the materials and commit to the certificate program.

2- A certificate of success and obtaining a diploma within the framework of the three-year program recognized by the institute, and this certificate is stamped with the seal of His Beatitude the Patriarch and the head of the Institute.

Melkite Academy Leadership

Secrets of Initiation in the Biblical Heritage

Discover the biblical roots and sacred teachings that form the core of the Melkite faith and spiritual life

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Secrets of Formation in the Melkite Antiochian Heritage

Explore the Melkite traditions and theological depth of the Antiochian heritage that shapes the Melkite identity

Gain a deeper understanding of the influential figures and bright legacy of the Melkite Church.

The Melkite Church: Lights and Faces

with Bishop Dr. Joseph Naffa

with Father Dr. Rami Wakim

with Professor Imad Murad

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